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The Fury of a Patient Man

Filme, 2016, 92 minutos
The Fury of a Patient Man
Depois que sua amante é morta em um assalto a uma joalheria, o solitário José tem um caso com a dona de um café, Ana, que nem desconfia das reais intenções dele.
De filme The Fury of a Patient Man é produzida em 2016 e dura 92 minutos. Ganhou quatro Prêmios Goya, incluindo: Melhor Filme, Ator Coadjuvante (Manolo Solo) e Diretor Revelação (Raúl Arévalo). Este filme é Tensos, Violentos.

The Fury of a Patient Man no IMDB

Score: 6,8 do 10

José is a silent and circumspect man who spend his days in a bar with the owner Juanjo and their friends. Suffering insomnia, José interests Ana, Juanjo's sister-in-law, who works as waiter in the bar of his brother, talking by Internet with her during the night. But the tranquility ends when Curro, Juanjo's brother, is freed from the jail after eight years by a robbery to a jewelry where the salesman ended in a permanent coma and the saleslady was killed by one of the thieves. After a strong discussion between Curro and Ana, José moves Ana and her little son to his cottage to keep them away from Curro, taking advantage the situation to kidnap Curro in order to discover the identity of the rest of the band, seeking revenge for the salesman and the saleslady dead, who really were José's father and girlfriend. Forced to it if he wants see Ana and his son again, Curro and José start a travel by some towns looking for the Curro's partners in crime, knowing that if anyone stops it, Curro probably ends being another victim more of the blind fury of José...

Atores em The Fury of a Patient Man


Áudio e legendas

Áudio: espanhol europeu
Legendas: português europeu;inglês;espanhol europeu;alemão;japonês

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